Yagiyadeep Sharma has been working as Medical Physicist cum Radiological Safety Officer (RSO) for the last 25 years. He has 20 years of vast experience of managing the Radiotherapy Dept at Army Hospital (Research & Referral), Delhi Cantt, Command Hospital, Air Force, Bangalore, Command Hospital, Eastern Command, Kolkata Indian Navy Hospital, Colaba, Mumbai before joining Behgal Institute of IT & Radiation Technology
Specialisation in:
Radiosurgery, Treatment planning and execution of Radiotherapy treatment regimes of the cancer patients , Quality Assurance, Dosimetric tests.
Radiation safety of the patients, workers and surroundings.
Medical Linear Accelerator Siemen Primus (6MV,15 MV Photon with electron energies 3,6,9,12,15,18 Mev energies).
Elekta Medical Linear Accerator (6MV IGRT, SRS).
Brachytherapy (ICRT,IBRT,Mould etc.
International Publications- 4 , National publications-9.
Guid for the phd thesis for devloping customised treatment planning system under Punjab University, Chandigarh
Professional Membership:
Life Membership of Association of Medical Physicist of India
Indian Association of Palliative care